Seeing Past Our Streets

Take a deep breath and fill your mind with imagination. Let go, and love this world.

So as I am in search of daily inspirations within my personal and social life, I always have my eyes open for any topics that intrigue me enough to be posted on my blog. I attempt to have high imagination and various post options, but I tend to keep myself too focused with the fashion industry, so therefore, as I was in the mood of learning more about art, I came across this extraordinarily talented artist whom made me consider what my blog really is about. It's not only about fashion, but it's a way of expanding my knowledge of life as I practice and express my future achievements and assist others by gaining knowledge.

Fashion is my main inspiration within my career, but I believe that the most beautiful things in life are expressive art and music. I am highly cultured with a brave heart and open mind. I enjoy observing, absorbing, and creating art in every way, shape, and form.

Today, I learned about the wonderful, Edgar Mueller, world's top 3-D illusionist street painter. Edgar Mueller, is an artist from Germany, who is known to be the first street artist designed to metamorphose images changing from day to night in a street. Mueller, has been able to paint in United Kingdom, Germany, Canada, Slovenia, Mexico, and has finally painted in Florida. Take a look at his amazing art here, and learn to love every angle in art.

Hope you guys enjoy this post as much as I did.
Shayla Torres. 

1 comment:

  1. wow great blog and great inspiration photos, love your 4th of july pics. I am your newest follower!

