Nature's Dimensions

As this striving artist pursues his passion by carving different graphics, images, and landscapes in leaves, I deeply am intrigued by this work of art. As browsing one of my favorite websites,, I came across this extremely patient and talented artist named Lorenzo Duran (check his website here) and I couldn't help but to contact him about his amazing scenes in leaves.

Duran is currently in Spain, and he allows you to give the price. So what are you waiting for?
Give him a good, reasonable price, and have it set up in your wonderful and loving home! My piece of art will be on it's way soon, and I can not wait!
Shayla Torres!

1 comment:

  1. Madre mía! Qué genialidad!
    Me gustan muchísimo... Admiro un montón a la gente que tiene tanta paciencia y crea arte en la cosa más pequeña, en la más inesperada.

    No conocía a Lorenzo Durán, asi que gracias por descubrírnoslo ^^


